sábado, 24 de octubre de 2020

Camion Chino Recolector de Basura en los USA - Waste Resources BYD Electric Garbage Truck

Where do I even begin? A couple months Waste Resources was able to accomplish the goal of having the first electric garbage truck in Southern California. I guess you could call it their "model" because all they've been using it for is shows/events. With the status it had, everyone was pretty doubtful this truck would even come close to running a route. 

Fast forward to just last month, we were informed by Eric that this truck would be running a test route in Carson. Pretty confident they decided to use it because of their Hawaiian Gardens takeover. CWS recommended Waste Resources to Hawaiian Gardens because of their clean air fleet, particularly mentioning this electric truck. The truck itself is quite the experience, as you can imagine the electricity makes it very quiet when driving/collecting. 

Even the arm had an extreme speed, but with modernization comes technical difficulties. Lots of bugs to fix on the truck, and they should consider extending the battery life. I don't think the truck finished the route because it had to go back to charge, we were stuck on each street for at least 10-20 minutes because the truck would break down on every single one lmao. I think all of the issues can be worked out though, we are slowly becoming very innovative in this refuse industry.

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